Von Strasser Winery

Von Strasser Winery

와인 양조장포도밭
  • 별
    Calistoga에서 인기있는 상위10 와인 양조장 중 하나
  • Tips
    Piggy P.
    "You must do the cheese and wine tour in the cave (동굴)."(Tips 2개)
    Rachel K.
    "You need to make reservations (예약) prior or legally they can't serve you."(Tips 2개)
팁 및 리뷰 아이콘7 팁 및 리뷰
  • 동굴
  • 치즈
  • 예약
  • 병원
  • 구조물
사용자 아이콘
로그인하여 여기에 팁을 남겨보세요.

  • 인기있는
  • 최근
  • Rachel K.사용자 이미지의 하트 아이콘
    Rachel K7월 7, 2013
    One of my all time favorite Napa wineries. I love their cabs and hospitality. You need to make reservations prior or legally they can't serve you. Diamond Mountain has some strict regulations.
  • Mark M.
    Mark McDermott3월 1, 2010
    A mainly Cabernet winery with wine tasting at $20 for 8 tastes with good truffle chocolates! Go into the caves and if they offer a reserve tasting, do it. You will not regret it.
  • Piggy P.
    Piggy Penny10월 26, 2011
    Ask for Nick he Is a educated worker, passionate about good and wine. You must do the cheese and wine tour in the cave. Just fun.
  • Juan Camilo C.
    Get an appointment before going and ask for Nick as your tour guide.
  • Tani Y.
    Tani Yee2월 19, 2019
    Free tasting if you’re a guest of the Motor Lodge nearby 🤗
  • Amy W.
    Amy Widdowson8월 5, 2012
    $20 a tasting, with ability to picnic afterwards.
  • Amanda H.
    Amanda Hagood4월 10, 2010
    Award winning Cabs of great structure, balance and simply 10 on the yum scale! 자세히 보기
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