Restaurants to check out
Nuevo Leon Restaurant is one of Restaurants to check out.

1. Nuevo Leon Restaurant

1515 W 18th St, 시카고, IL
멕시코 음식점 · Pilsen · 106개의 팁과 리뷰
Xoco is one of Restaurants to check out.

2. Xoco

449 N Clark St (at W Illinois St), 시카고, IL
멕시코 음식점 · Near North Side · 358개의 팁과 리뷰

Time Out ChicagoTime Out Chicago: Lines extend out the door for tortas filled with fatty, crispy pork carnitas. Caldos like braised-short-rib soup and chicken stew with toothsome posole are the ideal prelude to a churro. 자세히 보기

Hearty is one of Restaurants to check out.

3. Hearty

3819 N Broadway St (btwn W Grace St & W Sheridan Rd), 시카고, IL
뉴 아메리카 음식점 · Lake View East · 42개의 팁과 리뷰
Amitabul is one of Restaurants to check out.

4. Amitabul

6207 N Milwaukee Ave (Huntington), 시카고, IL
비건 및 채식 전문점 · 17개의 팁과 리뷰

Time Out ChicagoTime Out Chicago: Using “Zen meditation cooking energy,” chefs cook vegan dumplings, organic veggies and noodle soups to spicy curry and tofu dishes. The popular green tea vegan ice cream is available in Summer. 자세히 보기

Udupi Palace is one of Restaurants to check out.

5. Udupi Palace

2543 W Devon Ave (at N Rockwell St), 시카고, IL
인도 음식점 · West Ridge · 24개의 팁과 리뷰

Time Out ChicagoTime Out Chicago: This 100 percent vegetarian South Indian spot puts carnivores to shame with its famous dosai—a gigantic cumin-, potato-, and onion-filled rice and lentil crêpe that comes in a dozen varieties. 자세히 보기

Karyn's on Green is one of Restaurants to check out.

6. Karyn's on Green

130 S Green St (Adams), 시카고, IL
비건 및 채식 전문점 · Near West Side · 52개의 팁과 리뷰

Time Out ChicagoTime Out Chicago: Creations, such as pizza made of tortillas topped with vegan cheese or pasta made from zucchini will please anyone. The cocktails and alcohol-free “elixirs,” take vegan dining up a notch. 자세히 보기

Chowpatti Vegetarian Restaurant is one of Restaurants to check out.

7. Chowpatti Vegetarian Restaurant

1035 S Arlington Heights Rd (at E Magnolia St), Arlington Heights, IL
비건 및 채식 전문점 · 13개의 팁과 리뷰
Green Zebra is one of Restaurants to check out.

8. Green Zebra

1460 W Chicago Ave, 시카고, IL
비건 및 채식 전문점 · Noble Square · 48개의 팁과 리뷰
Karyn's Cooked is one of Restaurants to check out.

9. Karyn's Cooked

738 N Wells St (at W Superior St), 시카고, IL
비건 및 채식 전문점 · River North · 55개의 팁과 리뷰

Time Out ChicagoTime Out Chicago: Dishes are vegan and organic but appeal to those who aren’t ready for raw, with hummus, pizza, salads and entrées made with fake meats. The restaurant serves organic wines and beer and Sunday brunch. 자세히 보기

Victory's Banner Restaurant is one of Restaurants to check out.

10. Victory's Banner Restaurant

2100 W Roscoe St, 시카고, IL
아침식사 식당 · Roscoe Village · 43개의 팁과 리뷰