14 팁 및 리뷰
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- 최근
- When you take theory try and get in Alex class. A lot of seamly random knowledge but finds a way to relate to class. I think it bridges gap between tech heads and non tech heads.
- Even if you are good friends with Javier his gut truck food will give you the shits! If you are hungry go to the other Mexican food place up the street. I think its called "Reynaldo's".
- Always listen to your instructor, ask questions always, take lots of notes, come to class prepared and come to class well rested.
- Work steady and plan your approach to the job at hand. Stay organized and the job will be done faster.
- Work steady and plan on how to approach the job at hand. Stay organized and the job will go faster.
- The mayorship is now up for grabs. I now resign after 18 months. Make me proud future mayor.
- Don't expect a whole lot from student services. They are like weathermen. You can be terrible at your job and keep it.
- I now resign my mayorship after 18 months. Do me proud future mayor
- Think before you wrench and you'll be way ahead of half the regards here.
- The mayorship is mine! For another week, I'm done April 20 after Harley, Honda and Suzuki.
- Think before you wrench and you'll be way ahead of half the retards here.
54 사진 개