Sauce Restaurant is one of Yum.

1. Sauce Restaurant

78 Rivington St (at Allen St), 뉴욕, NY
이탈리아 음식점 · Lower East Side · 187개의 팁과 리뷰

Lee H.Lee Hoffman: The best fried zucchini I've ever had - make sure to ask for it w Marinara sauce. Chicken parm is good, lasagna is awesome.

2. Walter Sports

253 Grand St (at Roebling St), 브루클린, NY
미국 음식점 · Williamsburg · 249개의 팁과 리뷰

Krista H.Krista Hoffman: Fried Chicken with honey, Brussel sprouts with pecorino, and spicy garlic shrimp were all amazing! The Hemingway daquiri was also yummy.