My D.C. Experience
Luke's Lobster is one of My D.C. Experience.

1. Luke's Lobster

624 E St NW (btwn 6th & 7th St NW), 워싱턴 D.C., D.C.
해산물 전문점 · Penn Quarter · 69개의 팁과 리뷰
Red Velvet Cupcakery is one of My D.C. Experience.

2. Red Velvet Cupcakery

675 E St NW (at 7th St. NW), 워싱턴 D.C., D.C.
컵케이크 전문점 · Penn Quarter · 106개의 팁과 리뷰
한국전참전용사기념비 is one of My D.C. Experience.

3. 한국전참전용사기념비

(Korean War Veterans Memorial)
10 Daniel French Dr SW (at Independence Ave SW), 워싱턴 D.C., D.C.
기념비 · Southwest Washington · 74개의 팁과 리뷰
Cherry Blossoms is one of My D.C. Experience.

4. Cherry Blossoms

Potomac Park, 워싱턴 D.C., D.C.
정원 · Southwest Washington · 33개의 팁과 리뷰
링컨 기념관 is one of My D.C. Experience.

5. 링컨 기념관

(Lincoln Memorial)
2 Lincoln Memorial Circle NW (btwn Constitution & Independence Ave SW), 워싱턴 D.C., D.C.
기념비 · Southwest Washington · 471개의 팁과 리뷰
Lincoln Memorial Reflecting Pool is one of My D.C. Experience.

6. Lincoln Memorial Reflecting Pool

W Potomac Park (btwn Lincoln & World War II Memorials), 워싱턴 D.C., D.C.
분수대 · Southwest Washington · 77개의 팁과 리뷰
Lauriol Plaza is one of My D.C. Experience.

7. Lauriol Plaza

1835 18th St NW (at T St NW), 워싱턴 D.C., D.C.
멕시코 음식점 · Northwest Washington · 264개의 팁과 리뷰
Chinatown is one of My D.C. Experience.

8. Chinatown

워싱턴 D.C., D.C.
주변 지역 · 35개의 팁과 리뷰
Georgetown Cupcake is one of My D.C. Experience.

9. Georgetown Cupcake

3301 M St NW (at 33rd St.), 워싱턴 D.C., D.C.
컵케이크 전문점 · Georgetown · 407개의 팁과 리뷰
미국 의회도서관 is one of My D.C. Experience.

10. 미국 의회도서관

(Library of Congress)
101 Independence Ave SE (btwn 1st & 2nd St SE), 워싱턴 D.C., D.C.
도서관 · Southeast Washington · 184개의 팁과 리뷰
펜타곤 is one of My D.C. Experience.

11. 펜타곤

(The Pentagon)
1400 Defense, Arlington, VA
공공기관 건물 · The Pentagon · 98개의 팁과 리뷰
Ben's Chili Bowl is one of My D.C. Experience.

12. Ben's Chili Bowl

1213 U St NW, 워싱턴 D.C., D.C.
핫도그 전문점 · U-Street · 386개의 팁과 리뷰
Visitors Center is one of My D.C. Experience.

13. Visitors Center

3001 Connecticut Ave NW (at Smithsonian's National Zoo), 워싱턴 D.C., D.C.
여행자 정보 및 서비스 · National Zoological Park · 8개의 팁과 리뷰
National Gallery of Art - West Building is one of My D.C. Experience.

14. National Gallery of Art - West Building

Constitution Ave NW (at Madison Dr NW), 워싱턴 D.C., D.C.
미술관 · Northwest Washington · 118개의 팁과 리뷰

15. 국립항공우주박물관

(National Air and Space Museum)
6th St. (Independence Ave SW), 워싱턴 D.C., D.C.
과학 박물관 · Southwest Washington · 637개의 팁과 리뷰

Jonathan C.Jonathan Coffman: This is by far my favorite DC museum, from the airplanes to the space exploration exhibits, the Air and Space museum is superb.

National Museum of American History is one of My D.C. Experience.

16. National Museum of American History

1400 Constitution Ave NW (at 14th St NW), 워싱턴 D.C., D.C.
역사 박물관 · Northwest Washington · 356개의 팁과 리뷰

HISTORYHISTORY: The museum first opened in 1964, and among the items on display are the original Star-Spangled Banner and Dorothy's ruby slippers from The Wizard of Oz.

17. 미국 홀로코스트 기념박물관

(United States Holocaust Memorial Museum)
100 Raoul Wallenberg Pl SW, 워싱턴 D.C., D.C.
역사 박물관 · Southwest Washington · 256개의 팁과 리뷰

Ann Marie B.Ann Marie B: A must-see museum in the District. Prepare to be emotional throughout the exhibits. If you have a military/govt ID, you get an immediate pass. Tip: read everything & take in as much as you can.

Thomas Jefferson Memorial is one of My D.C. Experience.

18. Thomas Jefferson Memorial

16 E Basin Dr SW (at Ohio Dr SW), 워싱턴 D.C., D.C.
기념비 · Southwest Washington · 142개의 팁과 리뷰

HISTORYHISTORY: President Roosevelt asked the Commission of Fine Arts about the possibility of erecting a memorial to Thomas Jefferson. Construction went from 1938-43, & Roosevelt laid the first cornerstone himself.

워싱턴 기념탑 is one of My D.C. Experience.

19. 워싱턴 기념탑

(Washington Monument)
2 15th St NW (btwn Constitution Ave NW & Independence Ave SW), 워싱턴 D.C., D.C.
기념비 · Southwest Washington · 344개의 팁과 리뷰
The White House is one of My D.C. Experience.

20. The White House

1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW (btwn 15th St NW & 17th St NW), 워싱턴 D.C., D.C.
공공기관 건물 · Northwest Washington · 512개의 팁과 리뷰
Bonifant-Dixon Parking Garage is one of My D.C. Experience.

21. Bonifant-Dixon Parking Garage

1000 Bonifant St (at Dixon Ave), 실버스프링, MD
주차장 · 1개의 팁
Silver Spring Metro Station is one of My D.C. Experience.

22. Silver Spring Metro Station

8400 Colesville Rd (btw E-W Hwy and Georgia Ave.), 실버스프링, MD
지하철역 · 31개의 팁과 리뷰
National Mall is one of My D.C. Experience.

23. National Mall

Constitution & Independence Ave (btwn 1st & 17th St), 워싱턴 D.C., D.C.
광장 · Northwest Washington · 267개의 팁과 리뷰
Vietnam Veterans Memorial is one of My D.C. Experience.

24. Vietnam Veterans Memorial

5 Henry Bacon Dr NW (at Constitution Ave NW), 워싱턴 D.C., D.C.
기념비 · Northwest Washington · 91개의 팁과 리뷰
World War II Memorial is one of My D.C. Experience.

25. World War II Memorial

1750 Independence Ave SW (at 17th St SW), 워싱턴 D.C., D.C.
기념비 · Southwest Washington · 160개의 팁과 리뷰
Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial is one of My D.C. Experience.

26. Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial

1850 W Basin Dr SW (at Independence Ave SW), 워싱턴 D.C., D.C.
기념비 · Southwest Washington · 143개의 팁과 리뷰
Oyamel Cocina Mexicana is one of My D.C. Experience.

27. Oyamel Cocina Mexicana

401 7th St NW (at D St NW), 워싱턴 D.C., D.C.
멕시코 음식점 · Penn Quarter · 325개의 팁과 리뷰
Good Stuff Eatery is one of My D.C. Experience.

28. Good Stuff Eatery

303 Pennsylvania Ave SE (at 3rd St. SE), 워싱턴 D.C., D.C.
버거 전문점 · Capitol Hill · 279개의 팁과 리뷰
We, The Pizza is one of My D.C. Experience.

29. We, The Pizza

305 Pennsylvania Ave SE (btwn 3rd & 4th St), 워싱턴 D.C., D.C.
피자 가게 · Capitol Hill · 152개의 팁과 리뷰
Art and Soul is one of My D.C. Experience.

30. Art and Soul

415 New Jersey Ave NW (btwn D & E Sts. NW), 워싱턴 D.C., D.C.
남부 요리 전문점 · Downtown-Penn Quarter-Chinatown · 106개의 팁과 리뷰
Sei is one of My D.C. Experience.

31. Sei

444 7th St NW (at E St NW), 워싱턴 D.C., D.C.
스시 전문점 · Penn Quarter · 101개의 팁과 리뷰
National Museum of the American Indian is one of My D.C. Experience.

32. National Museum of the American Indian

950 Independence Ave SW (4th St. SW), 워싱턴 D.C., D.C.
역사 박물관 · Southwest Washington · 178개의 팁과 리뷰
Supreme Court of the United States is one of My D.C. Experience.

33. Supreme Court of the United States

1 1st St NE (at E Capitol St NE), 워싱턴 D.C., D.C.
법원 · Northeast Washington · 51개의 팁과 리뷰

HISTORYHISTORY: After the federal government was established in Washington, the court was housed in a basement room in the US Capitol until 1929, when Chief Justice Taft argued successfully for their own building.

United States Capitol is one of My D.C. Experience.

34. United States Capitol

Capitol Cir (at E Capitol St), 워싱턴 D.C., D.C.
의사당 건물 · Northwest Washington · 205개의 팁과 리뷰

HISTORYHISTORY: The Capitol is among the most architecturally impressive and symbolically important buildings in the world. Begun in 1793, the Capitol has been built, burnt, rebuilt, extended, and restored.

Memorial to the 56 Signers of the Declaration of Independence is one of My D.C. Experience.

35. Memorial to the 56 Signers of the Declaration of Independence

Constitution Ave NW (at Constitution Gardens Pond), 워싱턴 D.C., D.C.
기념비 · Northwest Washington · 9개의 팁과 리뷰

HISTORYHISTORY: This memorial consists of 56 stones, each with the signature, occupation and hometown of one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence.

내셔널 갤러리 is one of My D.C. Experience.

36. 내셔널 갤러리

(National Gallery of Art)
6th St and Constitution Ave NW (at Constitution Ave NW), 워싱턴 D.C., D.C.
미술관 · Northwest Washington · 155개의 팁과 리뷰

HISTORYHISTORY: Opened in 1941, this museum, founded by financier Andrew Mellon, has some 116,000 works of Western art dating from the Middle Ages to the modern era.

국립 자연사 박물관 is one of My D.C. Experience.

37. 국립 자연사 박물관

(National Museum of Natural History)
1000 Constitution Ave NW (at 10th St NW), 워싱턴 D.C., D.C.
과학 박물관 · Northwest Washington · 427개의 팁과 리뷰

HISTORYHISTORY: The Smithsonian Institution was founded for the "increase and diffusion" of knowledge from a bequest to the United States by the British scientist James Smithson, who had never visited the US himself.

Ulysses S. Grant Memorial is one of My D.C. Experience.

38. Ulysses S. Grant Memorial

1st St NW, 워싱턴 D.C., D.C.
기념비 · Southwest Washington · 11개의 팁과 리뷰

HISTORYHISTORY: This memorial to Grant, the American Civil War general and 18th U.S. president, was dedicated in 1922, the 100th anniversary of his birth.

US Department of the Treasury is one of My D.C. Experience.

39. US Department of the Treasury

1500 Pennsylvania Ave NW (at 15th St NW), 워싱턴 D.C., D.C.
공공기관 건물 · Northwest Washington · 24개의 팁과 리뷰

HISTORYHISTORY: The current building was designed by Robert Mills and constructed over a 33-year period beginning in 1836. It is the oldest departmental building in Washington.

Franklin Delano Roosevelt Memorial is one of My D.C. Experience.

40. Franklin Delano Roosevelt Memorial

400 W Basin Drive SW (at Ohio Dr SW), 워싱턴 D.C., D.C.
기념비 · Southwest Washington · 108개의 팁과 리뷰

HISTORYHISTORY: This tribute features outdoor galleries, statues and inscriptions meant to represent the 32nd U.S. president’s time in office, from 1933 to 1945.

내셔널스 파크 is one of My D.C. Experience.

41. 내셔널스 파크

(Nationals Park)
1500 S Capitol St SE (btwn N St SE & Potomac Ave SE), 워싱턴 D.C., D.C.
야구장 · Navy Yard · 475개의 팁과 리뷰

HISTORYHISTORY: Nationals Park is the first LEED-certified green major professional sports stadium in the United States.

Serendipity 3 is one of My D.C. Experience.

42. Serendipity 3

3150 M St NW (at Wisconsin Ave NW), 워싱턴 D.C., D.C.
미국 음식점 · Georgetown · 67개의 팁과 리뷰
Sprinkles Georgetown is one of My D.C. Experience.

43. Sprinkles Georgetown

3015 M St NW, 워싱턴 D.C., D.C.
컵케이크 전문점 · Georgetown · 77개의 팁과 리뷰
Sticky Fingers Bakery is one of My D.C. Experience.

44. Sticky Fingers Bakery

1370 Park Rd NW (at 14th St NW), 워싱턴 D.C., D.C.
빵집 · Columbia Heights · 130개의 팁과 리뷰

45. 내셔널스 파크

(Nationals Park)
1500 S Capitol St SE (btwn N St SE & Potomac Ave SE), 워싱턴 D.C., D.C.
야구장 · Navy Yard · 475개의 팁과 리뷰

ESPNESPN: The Presidents Race takes place in the middle of the 4th & features Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln & Roosevelt. Don’t pledge your allegiance to Teddy. He hasn’t won since the race’s inception in ’06.

46. Capital One Arena

601 F St NW (at 7th St NW), 워싱턴 D.C., D.C.
농구장 · Chinatown · 285개의 팁과 리뷰

HISTORYHISTORY: This center is home to the Georgetown Hoyas, Washington Wizards & Washington Capitals. In 2003 Michael Jordan scored 43 points & became the 1st player over 40 to score more than 40 points in a game.